Moorlands Primary School



Can you have a go at making your own Gingerbread person?

Could you have a go at writing the instructions to make your own Gingerbread person. Can you use first, then, next, after and finally at the start of each instruction? 


 What could the Gingerbread man of used to get across the river instead of climbing on the fox? Could you make something for the Gingerbread man to use to get across the river? You could test your invention in the bath or in some form of water on a walk.


Could you have a go at acting out the Gingerbread man story and record your performance using an Ipad or phone? 


Can you have a go at the Gingerbread man game?


Can you have a go at making an assault course for the Gingerbread man?
Can you have a go at meditating and relaxing for five minutes?