Moorlands Primary School



Can you remember the parts of a plant? Using the worksheet saved on the home learning hub, can you cut out the parts of the flower and put them in the right place? (if you don’t have a printer you could draw them)

Next can you find out how to grow a flower. Can you write a set of instructions or a poster telling someone how to grow a flower from a seed? What will you need? What does the plant need to grow? You could use the ‘Fruit Growth Plant Sequencing’ sheet to help with this.


As you are maybe preparing for returning to school next week, have a discussion about hygiene and how we can make sure we are staying healthy and safe at school. You might want to think of some tips together and then create a poster for school. Remember, we will need to be washing our hands more often, keeping our distance from one another and clean the things we have used more often. Think about how school might look different and how it will be the same. You could share your posters on our twitter page!

Play the ‘Germ Zapper’ game on the link below.


Can you make your own lollypop stick superhero? Have a look at the pictures below. You might want to put your initial on the front. You could use this as a bookmark if you wanted to!
